
Issued by the Mid Columbia Science and Engineering Fair

Middle School Divisions
(We typically have a Life Science and Physical Science Division for each Middle School Grade Level)

Award6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade
First Place$75$100$150
– Up to 25 percent of the remaining entrants may receive an Honorable Mention.
– First place middle school winners also receive a scholarship to attend a week-long residential STEM camp!

9th Grade and Senior High School (Grades 10-12) Divisions

Senior Division
Grand Prize (up to 3)
Up to 3 students will receive an all-expenses paid trip to participate in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair
First Place$200
Honorable MentionUp to 25 percent of the remaining entrants may receive an Honorable Mention

the First Place 9th Grade winner also receives an all-expenses paid trip to attend ISEF as an Observer!