Registration Deadline Reminder

The deadline for entering Research Plans and ISEF forms in STEM Wizard is Wednesday February 19 (with an earlier deadline of Tuesday February 11 if the project requires SRC pre-approval – see Tip 4 about SRC pre-approval below).  Project registration is done by completing a series of “milestones” in STEM Wizard account. Milestones will turn green with a checkmark once they have been approved.  (If a project doesn’t require SRC/IRB pre-approval, students can begin experimentation as soon as their adult sponsor has approved their research plan and their forms are signed.)

We’re receiving a lot of incomplete Research Plans this year – please follow the tips below to ensure the SRC has the information they need to review your project:

Tip 1: Research Plans should be approved by the teacher / Adult Mentor BEFORE students enter them in STEM Wizard!

Tip 2: Research Plans should include the following:

  • Procedure:  This section should include a numbered list of steps and a list of materials.  It needs to have enough detail that the SRC can understand exactly how the student will complete their experiment.
  • Data Analysis: This section explains the types of calculations you plan to do after you collect your data.  Middle School projects should state that they will be calculating averages and graphing their data.  High School projects should also include what statistics they will be calculating.
  • Risk and Safety: This section needs to include the steps the student is taking to stay safe while conducting their experiment.  For example, students working with chemicals should state they will be wearing goggles, gloves, and an apron.  
  • Bibliography: Needs to include at least 5 specific sources – webpages should include the full url, books and journal articles need to include the title, author, and publication date

Tip 3: Check that the scans/pictures of forms are clear and include the entire form – Also check that forms are complete and have all signatures and dates! We’re getting a lot of Form 1’s that are missing the checkmark next to the attestation statement just above the Adult Sponsor signature.  See for directions and examples of completed forms.

Tip 4: SRC Pre-Approval – Some types of projects require pre-approval from the SRC or IRB BEFORE students can begin collecting data!  This includes projects with vertebrate animals, human subjects (including surveys and testing on yourself), recombinant DNA, human or animal tissue, pathogenic agents, and controlled substances.   The DEADLINE to enter Research Plans AND Forms for projects that need SRC pre-approval is 9pm Tuesday February 11.  

Please be mindful that our SRC and IRB reviewers are volunteering their time, and understand that it may take 7-10 days for them to complete review of your project.  See for more details about what needs to be included in the research plan for projects with human subjects, vertebrates, pathogens, and hazardous substances – including all the listed information will speed up the review process!

Tip 5: Bacteria projects cannot be completed at home.  If a project studies bacteria, we suggest ordering the K-12 strain of E. coli from Carolina Biological Supply. This strain is exempt from pre-approval, but students must state that they are using the K-12 strain of E. coli in your procedure and purchase from Carolina.

Tip 6: Check your email! The SRC reviewers will send students a message if they need to make Research Plan or Forms corrections. Please make these corrections promptly so projects can be approved.

Tip 7: Projects must follow all MCSF Rules, including our rule about the use of AI: Honesty is expected during every phase of the project.  Your science project must be your own work. In particular, artificial intelligence (AI) may NOT be used to design your experiment, write any part of your project, or create your display.  Your project must not include fraudulent data, plagiarism, or inappropriate use of AI.

Please email if you have any questions about registering for the fair.

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