2025 Awards

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MCSF Awards

6th Grade – Combined Life/Physical Science Division

Stanley DengWhat is the Best Method of Saltwater Filtration?Leona Libby Middle SchoolHonorable Mention
William FulsomSalty SeasCarmichael Middle SchoolHonorable Mention
Shelby OlsenHow Well Can Humans Differentiate Between Human-written and AI Generated Text?Chief Joseph Middle SchoolSecond Place
Ridhi ErlaGreen Concrete: Making Concrete More Sustainable with Biorenewable MaterialsLeona Libby Middle SchoolFirst Place

7th Grade Physical Science Division

Christopher HernandezDistillation ReactionsLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolHonorable Mention
Lucas ReeceThermite reaction experimentLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolHonorable Mention
Junie Hornerenzymes in saliva VS enzymes in stomachLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolThird Place
Ira ShortPlastic PowerChrist The King SchoolThird Place
George NassanehPlaying With FireChrist The King SchoolSecond Place
Sophia SamaanWind Turbine Efficiency: How Does Shape and Angle of Wings Yield Maximum Power in Producing Green Hydrogen?Christ The King SchoolFirst Place

7th Grade Life Science Division

Gillian KippEffect of temperature on milk proteinsLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolHonorable Mention
Chloe OsborneNatural lights vs LED grow lightsLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolHonorable Mention
Blake VanWingerdenThe Effect of Filters on Acid RainHomeschoolThird Place
Elliot VenableDNA onion extraction switching and takingLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolThird Place
Lexi WallIce Ice BabyCalvary Chapel Christian SchoolThird Place
Claire ChenWhat Affects the Dissolution Rate of Lactase Pills?Garrison Middle SchoolSecond Place
Preston Irvinemost efficient cleaning sprayLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolSecond Place
Anvi KulkarniDo Car Care Chemicals Contaminate Groundwater?Enterprise Middle SchoolFirst Place

8th Grade Combined Life/Physical Science Division

Andre ChinStabilizing the V-tail design in a jet aircraftLeona Libby Middle SchoolHonorable Mention
Theodore MaierWhy Are You Driving So Fast?Chief Joseph Middle SchoolThird Place
Chloe CustodioCreating a Fish Trap Structure to Capture MicroplasticsLeona Libby Middle SchoolSecond Place
Samuel WangSonic Fire Suppression: Multimodal Acoustic Frequency Modulation and Fire Dynamics AnalysisEnterprise Middle SchoolFirst Place

9th Grade Division

Kahlynn DowningCan kitchen scrap compost mixed with leaves help increase plant growth?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Katherine ManciaHow does the Type and Concentration of Antiseptic Affect its Ability to Reduce Bacterial Growth?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Viraj PilliSmart RoofRichland High SchoolHonorable Mention
Leonardo CamposHow do environmental factors affect the physiology of crickets?Sunnyside High SchoolThird Place
Raman HarilalDetermination of laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence from spinach leavesRichland High SchoolThird Place
Rishi VijayChemSafe: Hazard Prevention at Your FingertipsHanford High SchoolThird Place
Akshath MotkuriGlucoBone: An Early Detection Sensor System for Diabetes and Bone DisordersRichland High SchoolSecond Place
Rohan NuneBridging Health: Revealing the Connection Between Periodontal Disease and DiabetesRichland High SchoolSecond Place
Aarav ShrivastavaApplying Deep Learning for Wildfire Identification: Economical and Accessible Solutions Leveraging Small DatasetsRichland High SchoolFirst Place

Senior Division (Grades 10-12)

Amanda Avina LopezHow does ash impact the growth of the Brassica Rapa (Wisconsin Fast Plant), and the Raphanus Sativus (Radish)?Eisenhower High SchoolHonorable Mention
Aashrita BhamidimarriAn AI Based Personalized Allergy Alert SystemHanford High SchoolHonorable Mention
Brianna CollyerHow will anticancer agents impact the in vitro germination of radish seeds and plant growth?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Lily DengComparing Efficiency of Energy Harvesting Techniques for Medical PacemakersHanford High SchoolHonorable Mention
Briza Diaz CuevasHow does Martian soil porosity and permeability compare to other common soilsSunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Emily GallardoHow do soil restoration techniques (biochar, compost, and mulch) affect water retention, chemical composition, CO2, and erosion in wildfire damaged soil?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Yahaira Gomez-RIveraHow Do Fruit Peels Affect The Chemistry of the Soil and Growth of Plants?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Brisa Longoria-SosaExploring the Effects of Xylem Filters on Water FiltrationSunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Elias MejiaHow Do Different Types of Sunscreen Affect Marine Life?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Lynnet Ramos-AlcalaCan an oil-based ferrofluid be utilized to extract microplastics from aggregates effectively?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Brianna Rios-AguilarHow Potent Are Natural Antimicrobial Agents Compared to Synthetic Antimicrobial Alternatives At Inhibiting Bacterial Growth?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Nicole SamaanA Comparative Analysis of Classical and Quantum Computing Algorithms in Enhancing the Efficiency of Electric Grids of the FutureHanford High SchoolHonorable Mention
Bethany ThorntonHow does the voltage of battery used during electrical stimulation affect plant photosynthesis?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Emily Trevino-MedinaDoes the material on gym equipment influence bacterial growth?Sunnyside High SchoolHonorable Mention
Angel JoshiNavigating Glioblastoma through Computational BiologySouthridge High SchoolThird Place
Briseida PerezImproving Dental X-ray sensor comfortEisenhower High SchoolThird Place
Claire SheehanWhich Form of Biodegradable Hydrogels Synthesized from Food Waste Will Help Conserve Irrigation Water in the Farming Industry?Sunnyside High SchoolThird Place
Gavin MontelongoHow do Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Natural Healing Agents Influence Wound Healing and Regeneration in Invertebrates?Sunnyside High SchoolSecond Place
Isabella PintoHow a High-Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System Can Be Implemented in Vehicles as an Exceptionally Eco-Friendly Power SupplyHanford High SchoolSecond Place
Prayrona ChoudhuryAquaLink -Determining Freshwater Species Abundance Using the Multiscale Convergence of Chemical and Biological ProcessesHanford High SchoolFirst Place
Advaitha MotkuriASDetect: Detecting Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using AI-Based Facial Recognition TechniquesRichland High SchoolGrand Prize
Sonali SanthoshCracking the Seizure Code:​ A Deep Learning Approach to Neonatal Seizure Detection Utilizing Hybrid Architecture for Multi-Scale EEG AnalysisHanford High SchoolGrand Prize
Sydney WestThe Design and Engineering of an Intelligent Remotely Operated Vehicle for Coral Reef Research and MonitoringHanford High SchoolGrand Prize
  • Middle School Division 1st Place prize winners also receive a scholarship for a week-long residential STEM camp.
  • The 9th Grade 1st Place prize winner receives an expenses-paid trip to attend the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) as an Observer.
  • The Grand Prize winners receive an expenses-paid trip to compete at ISEF.

Special Awards

Project In A Box

“Project In A Box” is a program to introduce sixth grade classes to our science fair.  MCSF supplied a box of materials for students to complete a class project around the theme of water filtration.  Two class representatives presented the project to judges on fair day.  We hope these students will bring individual projects to next year’s fair! We’d now like to recognize the classes who participated in this program.  Each class receives a certificate, written comments, and “Project In A Box” ribbons for each student who participated.  Projects chosen for an award will also receive a rosette and cash prize.

Mr. Adam’s 1st Period ClassSt. Joseph Marquette SchoolOrder of filter materialParticipation
Mr. Adam’s 2nd Period ClassSt. Joseph Marquette SchoolHomemade vs. Store-bought water filterParticipation
Extra Mile Science ClubGrandview, WAWhich Material Filters Water Best?Participation
Ms. Stark’s Community GroupHarrison Middle School & Pioneer Elementary SchoolWhich homemade water filter works best?Participation
Ms. Hampton’s 5th Period ClassChief Joseph Middle SchoolWhat types of soils and sediments can create the most effective natural filter of acid rain?Honorable Mention
Ms. Hampton’s 4th Period ClassChief Joseph Middle SchoolNatural Filters to Reduce Turbidity LevelsSecond Place
Ms. Kovis’s 6B ClassChrist the King SchoolGlass Beads For the Worlds Needs: Using Glass Beads to purify waterSecond Place
Ms. Kovis’s 6A ClassChrist the King SchoolFilter Faceoff! Which Material works better for the bottom layer of a filter, cotton, cloth or coffee filter?First Place

Award of Distinction for CLARITY OF PRESENTATION

The final step of a project is often one of the most difficult.  After you have selected a project, conducted your experiments, and collected the data, you must organize the information and make it easy for others to understand. This includes presenting the key elements of your project. Building an attractive, concise, and appealing presentation enhances our understanding of even complex topics.  The following students are recognized for their achievement in CLARITY OF PRESENTATION:

Saul Alcantar, Ezaiah Alvarez, Lilly Antonissen, Reed Brennan, Owen Callaghan, Lily Deng, Kahlynn Downing, Liam Gutzler, Junie Horner, Marissa Isaacson, Anvi Kulkarni, Ethan Lopez, Sasha Maddon, Elias Mejia, Coralyn Mendonca, Jimena Mondragon, Morgan Mosey, George Nassaneh, Magdalena Nava Cuevas, Shelby Olsen, Sonali Santhosh, Aylin Sosa, Marlene Torres-Macias, Emily Trevino-Medina, Carlos Valdez

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional association for electronic engineering and electrical engineering (and associated disciplines).  IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

Sophia SamaanWind Turbine Efficiency: How Does Shape and Angle of Wings Yield Maximum Power in Producing Green Hydrogen?Christ the King SchoolIEEE Middle School Award
Siena EmhoffHow Temperature Affects Battery PerformanceEisenhower HSIEEE High School Honorable Mention
Viraj PilliSmart RoofRichland HSIEEE 9th Grade Award
Isabella PintoHow a High-Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System Can Be Implemented in Vehicles as an Exceptionally Eco-Friendly Power SupplyHanford HSIEEE HS Award
Sonali SanthoshCracking the Seizure Code:​ A Deep Learning Approach to Neonatal Seizure Detection Utilizing Hybrid Architecture for Multi-Scale EEG AnalysisHanford HSIEEE HS Award
Sydney WestThe Design and Engineering of an Intelligent Remotely Operated Vehicle for Coral Reef Research and MonitoringHanford HSIEEE HS Award

The Links, Incorporated

The Links, Incorporated is an international, not-for-profit corporation, and is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of extraordinary women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry. This award is to honor African American participants for scientific excellence and ingenuity.  

Marissa IsaacsonDo Earthworms benefit growing plants?Eisenhower High School
Zaid MunirHow do different fertilizer combinations impact Brassica rapa germination and growth?Eisenhower High School

American Chemical Society

Founded in 1876 and chartered by the U.S. Congress, the American Chemical Society is one of the world’s largest scientific organizations with more than 155,000 members in 150 countries. ACS mission is to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people. The ACS vision is to improve people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry.  

Lexi WallIce Ice BabyCalvary Chapel Christian SchoolACS-Middle School Chemistry Award
Rishi VijayChemSafe: Hazard Prevention at Your FingertipsHanford High SchoolACS-High School Chemistry Award

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), Columbia River Professional Chapter (CRPC) 

Founded in 1977, the AISES is a non-profit organization whose goal is to substantially increase the representation of American Indian and Alaskan Natives in science, technology, engineering, math and other related disciplines.  The CRPC, founded in 1991, supports these national goals, while working at the local and regional level.  Winners of the AISES-CRPC award receive a cash award, certificate, and an annual AISES membership which includes the AISES quarterly magazine, “Winds of Change”.  

Richard CastroEngineering Technology: Statics and DynamicsEisenhower High SchoolAISES Recognition
Yadira GaribayWhat irrigation method is better at reducing water usage in agriculture?(drip,furrow, flooding, sprinkle)Sunnyside High SchoolAISES Recognition
Mercedez GarzaHow does lighting impact Artemia salina hatching?Eisenhower High SchoolAISES Recognition
Sasha MaddonHow efficient are Ladybugs as pollinators of Brassica rapa?Eisenhower High SchoolAISES Recognition
Khol Perrymansea walls and wavesLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolAISES Recognition
Lucas ReeceThermite reaction experimentLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolAISES Recognition
Zagidh RuelasHow do rural and urban populations affect water quality?Sunnyside High SchoolAISES Recognition
Tevin TomatichEgg DropLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolAISES Recognition
Berenice Vazquez-MerinoDoes White Sugar Prevent pH Levels of Iron and Copper Corrosion?Sunnyside High SchoolAISES Recognition
Chloe CustodioCreating a Fish Trap Structure to Capture MicroplasticsLeona Libby Middle SchoolAISES Distinguished Project
Ali EvansDissolvantage: Biodegradable Gossamer for Accelerated Oro-Dental RegenerationRichland High SchoolAISES Distinguished Project
Emily GallardoHow do soil restoration techniques (biochar, compost, and mulch) affect water retention, chemical composition, CO2, and erosion in wildfire damaged soil?Sunnyside High SchoolAISES Distinguished Project

Award of Distinction for CREATIVITY

Creativity is something that is required for all forms of science.  An original idea brings together elements of science done in the past and the student’s unique idea. This often brings new understanding and rewards of its own.  The unique and original application of scientific ideas is alive and well, as demonstrated by many students at this year’s fair.  For their creative spark, the following students are recognized for CREATIVITY:

Sergio Acevedo, Aashrita Bhamidimarri, Emi Castro, Vronica Contreras, Sandra Delgado, Mabel Grayum, Csilla Gresh, Chevelle Melhorn, Mya Morales, Leona Naumann, Uriel Olmedo, Khol Perryman, Viraj Pilli, Zagidh Ruelas, Julianna Silva, Berenice Vazquez-Merino, Elliot Venable, Rishi Vijay, Joslin Zurita

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

The Society of Women Engineers takes a very active role in encouraging young women to investigate technical career paths. Best Female Science Project winners are:

Csilla GreshThe Difference Between Cookies Baked with Almond Flour and FlourLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolMiddle School Honorable Mention
Ridhi ErlaGreen Concrete: Making Concrete More Sustainable with Biorenewable MaterialsLeona Libby Middle SchoolMiddle School Honorable Mention
Chloe CustodioCreating a Fish Trap Structure to Capture MicroplasticsLeona Libby Middle SchoolMiddle School Second Place
Sophia SamaanWind Turbine Efficiency: How Does Shape and Angle of Wings Yield Maximum Power in Producing Green Hydrogen?Christ the King SchoolMiddle School First Place
Kahlynn DowningCan kitchen scrap compost mixed with leaves help increase plant growth?Sunnyside High School9th grade Honorable Mention
Katherine ManciaHow does the Type and Concentration of Antiseptic Affect its Ability to Reduce Bacterial Growth?Sunnyside High School9th Grade First Place
Ileene Solorzano-LopezCrickets and odor guided behaviorSunnyside High School10th grade honorable mention
Brianna Rios-AguilarHow Potent Are Natural Antimicrobial Agents Compared to Synthetic Antimicrobial Alternatives At Inhibiting Bacterial Growth?Sunnyside High School10th GradeFirst Place
Bethany ThorntonHow does the voltage of battery used during electrical stimulation affect plant photosynthesis?Sunnyside High School11th Grade Honorable Mention
Lily DengComparing Efficiency of Energy Harvesting Techniques for Medical PacemakersHanford High School11th Grade First Place
Briseida PerezImproving Dental X-ray sensor comfortEisenhower High School12th Grade Honorable Mention
Claire SheehanWhich Form of Biodegradable Hydrogels Synthesized from Food Waste Will Help Conserve Irrigation Water in the Farming Industry?Sunnyside High School12th Grade First Place


Data is the foundation of all science.  The collection, control, and interpretation of large amounts of information are very important and time-consuming tasks.  Once this mountain of information is finally put into place, the researcher must ask: “What does it all mean?” This is determined through the successful use of graphs, charts, pictures, tables, and related visualizations.  The following students are recognized for their successful acquisition and compilation of data:

Aliya Andrade, Amanda Avina Lopez, Coco Balick, High Carmichael, Prayrona Choudhury, Ridhi Erla, William Fulsom, Yahaira Gomez-Rivera, Raman Harilal, Theodore Maier, Velani Martinez, Isabella Pinto, Valeria Santana, Ira Short, Samuel Wang

ANS, Eastern Washington Section

The American Nuclear Society, Eastern Washington Section is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.  This year’s ANS-EWS Bright Future Award winner is: 

Samuel WangSonic Fire Suppression: Multimodal Acoustic Frequency Modulation and Fire Dynamics AnalysisEnterprise Middle SchoolANS-EWS Bright Future Award

Sigma Xi, Tri-Cities Chapter

Sigma Xi, Tri-Cities Chapter provides awards for the projects that demonstrate the best use of the Scientific Method.

Eymi RodriguezUpcycling of paper products into plantable seed paperEisenhower High SchoolBest Use of the Scientific Method
Aylin SosaDoes composition affect the speed of light in gelatin?Sunnyside High SchoolBest Use of the Scientific Method

U.S. Metric Association

The U.S. Metric Association provides one award for the Best use of SI, the International System of Units, in a science fair project.  This year’s winner is:

Isabella PintoHow a High-Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System Can Be Implemented in Vehicles as an Exceptionally Eco-Friendly Power SupplyHanford High SchoolBest use of SI, The International System of Units, in a Science Fair Project

SEAW, South Central Chapter

Established in 1995 by a small but diligent group of Central Washington engineers, South Central Chapter’s members hail from a wide geographic area which includes Wenatchee, Yakima, Sunnyside, Tri-Cities, and Walla Walla.  This year’s winners of the SEAW Structural Spotlight Award are:

Ridhi ErlaGreen Concrete: Making Concrete More Sustainable with Biorenewable MaterialsLeona Libby Middle SchoolSEAW Structural Spotlight Award
Ira ShortPlastic PowerChrist the KingSEAW Structural Spotlight Award

Computer Science:

In presenting this award, our judges hope to encourage increased participation in computer science, one of today’s fastest growing fields, and an important source of innovation for the 21st century.  The winner of the Computer Science Award will receive an Award certificate and a monetary award.

Sydney WestThe Design and Engineering of an Intelligent Remotely Operated Vehicle for Coral Reef Research and MonitoringHanford High SchoolOutstanding Achievement in the category of Computer Science

NASA Earth System Science Award

Earth system science is the study of the complex system and the interconnections that occur on Earth.  The Earth’s spheres interact in complex ways.  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth System Science Project Award goes to the student whose project best demonstrates Insight into Earth’s Interconnected Systems.  This year’s winner is:

Prayrona ChoudhuryAquaLink -Determining Freshwater Species Abundance Using the Multiscale Convergence of Chemical and Biological ProcessesHanford High SchoolNASA Earth System Science Project Award

Ricoh Corporation

Ricoh Corporation presents the Ricoh Sustainable Development Award presented to the student whose research has demonstrated the Principles and Technical Innovations that offer the greatest potential for Sustainable Development.  This year’s winner is:

Isabella PintoHow a High-Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System Can Be Implemented in Vehicles as an Exceptionally Eco-Friendly Power SupplyHanford High SchoolRicoh Sustainable Development Award

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID):  

The United States Agency for International Development provided the Science Champion Award for scientific excellence and using science innovatively to create a potential solution to international development challenges. This year’s winner is:

Sonali SanthoshCracking the Seizure Code:​ A Deep Learning Approach to Neonatal Seizure Detection Utilizing Hybrid Architecture for Multi-Scale EEG AnalysisHanford High SchoolScience Champion Award

Award of Distinction for ENGINEERING

Engineers combine the elements of research, experimentation, and data collection Engineers translate these into hardware or processes. The design, production, and operation of a project can be a true example of scientific engineering, not only in the physical sense but also organizationally.  We recognize the following students for their achievement in ENGINEERING:

Hudson Brandenburg, Richard Castro, Julian Mendoza, Sydney West

STEM Enthusiast

The STEM Enthusiast awards recognize projects that best demonstrate students’ creativity and innovation in exploring the world around them.  Winners receive a certificate and gift card.

Sergio AcevedoHow do simulated team sports affect grass growth?Sunnyside High SchoolSTEM Enthusiast
Lilly AntonissenSnakes and their genetics color morphs!Leona Libby Middle SchoolSTEM Enthusiast
Owen CallaghanThe Science of ParachutesChrist the KingSTEM Enthusiast
Leniah MirelezEngineering a Homeless ShelterEisenhower High SchoolSTEM Enthusiast

Rosalind Franklin Award

This award is given in honor of Rosalind Franklin, “the scientist whose work was crucial in solving the structure of DNA but did not receive the Nobel Prize.” The Rosalind Franklin Award is sponsored by Dr. Rama Devagupta, who holds a PhD in Bioorganic Chemistry from Texas A&M University. As a sponsor of the Rosalind Franklin Award, Rama seeks to promote budding young scientists who perform research without access to traditional lab equipment or facilities. This year’s winners are:

Lily DengComparing Efficiency of Energy Harvesting Techniques for Medical PacemakersHanford High SchoolRosalind Franklin Award
Emily GallardoHow do soil restoration techniques (biochar, compost, and mulch) affect water retention, chemical composition, CO2, and erosion in wildfire damaged soil?Sunnyside High SchoolRosalind Franklin Award
Brisa Longoria-SosaExploring the Effects of Xylem Filters on Water FiltrationSunnyside High SchoolRosalind Franklin Award
Gavin MontelongoHow do Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Natural Healing Agents Influence Wound Healing and Regeneration in Invertebrates?Sunnyside High SchoolRosalind Franklin Award

Inspiring Excellence, Inc

Inspiring Excellence, Inc. supports science fair students with awards for demonstrating excellence.  Excellence is displayed by the following traits: interest, desire, enthusiasm, perseverance, diligence, scholarship, and a positive attitude.  The following students are recognized for excellence in their chosen project:

Aashrita BhamidimarriAn AI Based Personalized Allergy Alert SystemHanford High SchoolStudent Award
Andre ChinStabilizing the V-tail design in a jet aircraftLeona Libby Middle SchoolStudent Award
Brianna CollyerHow will anticancer agents impact the in vitro germination of radish seeds and plant growth?Sunnyside High SchoolStudent Award
Yahaira Gomez-RiveraHow Do Fruit Peels Affect The Chemistry of the Soil and Growth of Plants?Sunnyside High SchoolStudent Award
Elias MejiaHow Do Different Types of Sunscreen Affect Marine Life?Sunnyside High SchoolStudent Award
Emily Trevino-MedinaWhich method is more effective as a sunblock for plants?Sunnyside High SchoolStudent Award
Brittany HamptonChief Joseph Middle SchoolInspiring Excellence Teacher Award

Award of Distinction for EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN

Having a unique and original scientific idea is only half the battle.  Designing experiments that will give meaningful results and that will further the understanding of a topic can take up most of the time spent on a project.  The concept of “test, test, and re-test” often becomes paramount in ensuring that an experiment will produce a valid examination of a hypothesis.  The following students are recognized for their excellence in EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN:

Sofia Bohannan, Jack Bower, Andre Chin, Jordan Condie, Stanley Deng, Yadira Garibay, Mercedez Garza, Finnbarr Humling, Angel Joshi, Advaitha Motkuri, Briseida Perez, Emily Ramirez, Brianna Rios-Aguilar, Claire Sheehan, Ileene Solorzano-Lopez, Blake VanWingerden, Lexi Wall

Special Awards: Department of the Air Force

The Department of the Air Force, Air Force Research Laboratory, awards include an over the shoulder sling pack, Power Bank charger, dog tag USB Flash Memory Drive, a dual USB Car Charger, and official Air Force Certificate.  The winners are:

Nicole SamaanA Comparative Analysis of Classical and Quantum Computing Algorithms in Enhancing the Efficiency of Electric Grids of the FutureHanford High SchoolUnited States Air Force Certificate of Achievement 
Sonali SanthoshCracking the Seizure Code:​ A Deep Learning Approach to Neonatal Seizure Detection Utilizing Hybrid Architecture for Multi-Scale EEG AnalysisHanford High SchoolUnited States Air Force Certificate of Achievement 
Samuel WangSonic Fire Suppression: Multimodal Acoustic Frequency Modulation and Fire Dynamics AnalysisEnterprise Middle SchoolUnited States Air Force Certificate of Achievement 
Sydney WestThe Design and Engineering of an Intelligent Remotely Operated Vehicle for Coral Reef Research and MonitoringHanford High SchoolUnited States Air Force Certificate of Achievement 

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines.  Founded in 1889 by a small group of leading industries, ASME has grown through the decades to include more than 120,000 members in over 140 countries around the globe. Winners of the ASME awards are:

Viraj PilliSmart RoofRichland High SchoolOutstanding Mechanical Engineering Award
Lynnet Ramos-AlcalaCan an oil-based ferrofluid be utilized to extract microplastics from aggregates effectively?Sunnyside High SchoolOutstanding Mechanical Engineering Award
Aarav ShrivastavaApplying Deep Learning for Wildfire Identification: Economical and Accessible Solutions Leveraging Small DatasetsRichland High SchoolOutstanding Mechanical Engineering Award
Samuel WangSonic Fire Suppression: Multimodal Acoustic Frequency Modulation and Fire Dynamics AnalysisEnterprise Middle SchoolOutstanding Mechanical Engineering Award


Yale Science and Engineering Association, Inc. provides an award for Most Outstanding Exhibit in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.  The award is intended for 11th grade projects.  This year’s winner is:

Lily DengComparing Efficiency of Energy Harvesting Techniques for Medical PacemakersHanford High SchoolMost Outstanding Exhibit in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Columbia Chapter of the Health Physics Society

The Columbia Chapter of the Health Physics Society is a professional organization whose members are specialists in radiation safety. These Health Physicists are dedicated to maximizing the beneficial use of radiation while minimizing the risk to people and the environment.  This year’s winners from the CCHPS are:

Blu Asiahow can we build a satelliteLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High SchoolBest Middle School Physics Project
Raman HarilalDetermination of laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence from spinach leavesRichland High SchoolBest High School Physics Project


We are the Institute of Nuclear Material Management, Pacific Northwest Chapter. Our official slogan states, “We are dedicated to the safe, secure and effective stewardship of nuclear materials and related technologies through the advancement of scientific knowledge, technical skills, policy dialogue, professional capabilities, and best practices.”  How does Spiderman state it?  “…with great power comes great responsibility…”  Well that’s what we’re all about.  We have to do it right, and the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management is all about doing nuclear the right way.  With that in mind, we want to award a project that not only does great science, but ensures it’s done the right way – with safety, security, and environmental stewardship in mind from start to finish.    

Sophia SamaanWind Turbine Efficiency: How Does Shape and Angle of Wings Yield Maximum Power in Producing Green Hydrogen?Christ the King SchoolSpecial Award for Innovation in Renewable and Clean Energy

Award of Distinction for HONESTY

In any scientific experiment there can be unexpected results. However, even with undesired results, new inspiration may be found.  Others may be able to build on the results, and we may gain a better understanding of the topic.  We may even find a new avenue to explore. Looking at all data as important, and presenting the findings regardless of the anticipated results, is an important aspect of scientific work.  The following students are recognized for their HONESTY in presentation:

Blu Asia, Josue Gonzalez, Alex Hernandez, Emily Holtzinger, Joanna Lopez, Cane McCarthy, Chloe Osborne, Gabriel Ramirez, Sophia Samaan, Dharan Sentfil, Alexa Teodoro, Gunnar Wild, Ivan Yebras


The Mid-Columbia Basin Old Natural Education Sciences (MCBONES) Research Center Foundation provides local K-12 teachers and their students an opportunity to actively participate in laboratory and field-based research in paleontology, geology, paleoecology within the Kennewick Washington area. The MCBONES award is for spending a six-hour day at the Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig. The award winner will shadow a crew of paleontologists, participating in dig support, dig management, recordkeeping, sediment washing, possibly assembling bones, and micro-photography.  There will also be an opportunity to do a project of their choice at the site. This year’s MCBONES winner is

Sydney WestThe Design and Engineering of an Intelligent Remotely Operated Vehicle for Coral Reef Research and MonitoringHanford High SchoolMCBONES Dig

Association of Women Geoscientists

The Association for Women Geoscientists award is presented to the female student whose project exemplifies high standards of innovativeness and scientific excellence in the geosciences.  This year’s winner is:

Emily GallardoHow do soil restoration techniques (biochar, compost, and mulch) affect water retention, chemical composition, CO2, and erosion in wildfire damaged soil?Sunnyside High SchoolOutstanding Project

Tri-Cities Food Co-Op Special Award in Agriculture

The Tri-Cities Food Co-op does research related to asparagus and blueberries and other agriculture topics.  The award will include a tour of the research farm, Agriculture Development Group, Inc. in Eltopia, WA. The tour will be in the summer. This year’s winner is:

Benjamin CooperAnalyzing Green Onions’ Growth With Different pH LevelsLeona Libby Middle SchoolTri-Cities Food Co-op Special Award in agriculture
Claire SheehanWhich Form of Biodegradable Hydrogels Synthesized from Food Waste Will Help Conserve Irrigation Water in the Farming Industry?Sunnyside High SchoolTri-Cities Food Co-op Special Award in agriculture

Agriculture Awards:

Agriculture is an important industry in the Mid-Columbia region. The following projects involving plant science were awarded:

Kahlynn DowningCan kitchen scrap compost mixed with leaves help increase plant growth?Sunnyside High SchoolDistinguished Project
Velani MartinezHow do LED – lights affect the photosynthesis of grass and radishes?Sunnyside High SchoolDistinguished Project
Jimena MondragonCan fruit extracts from field waste be used to create a low-cost biofertilizer?Sunnyside High SchoolDistinguished Project
Bethany ThorntonHow does the voltage of battery used during electrical stimulation affect plant photosynthesis?Sunnyside High SchoolDistinguished Project


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provided NOAA’s 2025 “Taking the Pulse of the Planet” award.  This award is presented to the student whose research has demonstrated the principles and technical innovations that offer the greatest potential for an improved understanding of the Earth’s dynamic processes.  This year’s winner is: 

Prayrona ChoudhuryAquaLink -Determining Freshwater Species Abundance Using the Multiscale Convergence of Chemical and Biological ProcessesHanford High SchoolTaking the Pulse of the Planet Award

Award of Distinction for NOVELTY

Sometimes, it is surprising how things we take for granted are often taken out of context and applied in new and unique ways.  Using old ideas with a twist to create new thoughts is very important in science.   Scientists who challenge “the system” by introducing an innovative approach are often labeled as rebels – and where would we be without them! For their innovative and unique interpretation of scientific knowledge, the following students are recognized: 

Armelle Bonneville, Leonardo Campos, Briza Diaz Cuevas, Ali Evans, Laura Gonzalez-Sanchez, Luanna Huang, Gillian Kipp, Brisa Longoria-Sosa, Joselyn Mejia, Leniah Mirelez, Gavin Montelongo, Lila Rice, Aarav Shrivastava, Tevin Tomatich

Society for In vitro Biology (SIVB)

The Society for In Vitro Biology provided an award for the most outstanding 11thgrade project exhibiting in the areas of plant or animal in vitro biology or tissue culture. This year’s winner is: 

Bethany ThorntonHow does the voltage of battery used during electrical stimulation affect plant photosynthesis?Sunnyside High SchoolOutstanding Achievement for Ability and Creativity in In Vitro Biology

American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association has provided an award for outstanding research in psychological science under the category of behavioral and social sciences or any category related to psychology. The award includes the APA certificate with a complementary one-year student affiliate membership in APA.  This year’s winner is: 

Advaitha MotkuriASDetect: Detecting Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using AI-Based Facial Recognition TechniquesRichland High SchoolAchievement in Research in Psychological Science

Regeneron Biomedical Science Award

Regeneron Biomedical Science Award is presented to an exceptional student scientist who not only demonstrates an impressive command of biomedical science and research but also embodies Regeneron’s core values, known The Regeneron Way.  These include Lead with Science, Take on Big Ideas, Make it Happen, Be Great Together, and Do What’s Right.  The award includes a certificate and a $375.00 prize. 

This year’s winner is: 

Gavin MontelongoHow do Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Natural Healing Agents Influence Wound Healing and Regeneration in Invertebrates?Sunnyside High SchoolRegeneron Biomedical Sciences Award

Dr. Harlan Halma Awards

The Dr. Harlan Halma Awards go to medical related projects.  The award includes a certificate and a cash prize.  This year’s winners are:

Aliya AndradeDo medicinal herbs have antibiotic properties?Sunnyside High SchoolOutstanding Health Project
Lily DengComparing Efficiency of Energy Harvesting Techniques for Medical PacemakersHanford High SchoolOutstanding Health Project
Briseida PerezImproving Dental X-ray sensor comfortEisenhower High SchoolOutstanding Health Project
Brianna Rios-AguilarHow Potent Are Natural Antimicrobial Agents Compared to Synthetic Antimicrobial Alternatives At Inhibiting Bacterial Growth?Sunnyside High SchoolOutstanding Health Project
Valeria SantanaHow does microwaving food affect their nutrients?Sunnyside High SchoolOutstanding Health Project

Award of Distinction for PERSEVERANCE

For most of us, life’s little setbacks are mostly an annoyance. For young scientists, months of hard work can disappear when their plants die, the crickets run away, or the home-built instrument doesn’t work.  In the face of these obstacles, many of our students just looked adversity in the face, laughed, and continued despite the setbacks. The judges would like to recognize the following students for their superior PERSEVERANCE:

Bryce Gilbert, Christoper Hernandez, Preston Irvine, Vivian Navarro, Rohan Nune, Lucas Reece, Jimena Reyna Cuevas, Kylieann Rhoads, Mia Ruiz-Lara, Soren Vintin

USING STEM to Make the World a Better Place

Samuel WangSonic Fire Suppression: Multimodal Acoustic Frequency Modulation and Fire Dynamics AnalysisEnterprise Middle School3rd Place Junior Division
Sophia SamaanWind Turbine Efficiency: How Does Shape and Angle of Wings Yield Maximum Power in Producing Green Hydrogen?Christ the King School2nd Place Junior Division
Ridhi ErlaGreen Concrete: Making Concrete More Sustainable with Biorenewable MaterialsLeona Libby Middle School1st Place Junior Division
Sonali SanthoshCracking the Seizure Code:​ A Deep Learning Approach to Neonatal Seizure Detection Utilizing Hybrid Architecture for Multi-Scale EEG AnalysisHanford High School2nd Place Senior Division
Lynnet Ramos-AlcalaCan an oil-based ferrofluid be utilized to extract microplastics from aggregates effectively?Sunnyside High School1st Place Senior Division
Aimee Kovis6A Class Project In A Box ProjectChrist the King SchoolSpecial Award – Teacher
Aimee Kovis6B Class Project In A Box ProjectChrist the King SchoolSpecial Award – Teacher

The Lemelson Early Inventor Prize:  

For the development of an outstanding invention exhibited at a Society for Science-Affiliated Science and Engineering Fair.  The prize includes a $100 award for a 6th – 8th grade inventor.  The deadline for the submission process for payment of the award is June 30, 2025.  This year’s winner is:

Chloe CustodioCreating a Fish Trap Structure to Capture MicroplasticsLeona Libby Middle Schooloutstanding invention

Award of Distinction for SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT

In the pursuit of science, there are certain paths or methods that are taken to ensure proper scientific investigation.  This includes rules for: concept formation, conduct of observations, experimentation, and validation of hypotheses.   Gathering all aspects of a project, understanding the scope and being able to relate the concepts to the casual observer is quite a challenge.  The following students have taken the scientific method and applied it to all aspects of their project, and are recognized for excellence in SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT:

Declan Acosta Smith, Dayanara Bracamontes, Madelynn-Oliva Budrow, Claire Chen, Brianna Collyer, Benjamin Cooper, Siena Emhoff, Emily Gallardo, Katherine Mancia, Akshath Motkuri, Lynnet Ramos-Alcala, Eymi Rodriguez, Nicole Samaan, Zahra Somerville-Borowski, Alexas Susterich

Water Environment Federation (WEF) and Xylem, Inc.

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize Regional Award of Excellence for a water related science research project goes to winning projects aimed at enhancing the quality of life through improvement of water quality, water resource management, or water and wastewater treatment.  All high school students in 9th-12th grades, at least 15 years old by August 1st, 2025, who have conducted water related science projects have the opportunity to enter their State Stockholm Junior Water Prize Competition.  Students must enter the 2025 Stockholm Junior Water Prize State Competition on-line by April 15, 2025. 

Prayrona ChoudhuryAquaLink -Determining Freshwater Species Abundance Using the Multiscale Convergence of Chemical and Biological ProcessesHanford High SchoolStockholm Junior Regional Water Prize Award of Excellence for a water-related science research project.
Lynnet Ramos-AlcalaCan an oil-based ferrofluid be utilized to extract microplastics from aggregates effectively?Sunnyside High SchoolStockholm Junior Regional Water Prize Award of Excellence for a water-related science research project.
Zagidh RuelasHow do rural and urban populations affect water quality?Sunnyside High SchoolStockholm Junior Regional Water Prize Award of Excellence for a water-related science research project.

GENIUS Olympiad

The Rochester Institute of Technology and Terra Science and Education sponsor the Global Environmental Issues (GENIUS) Olympiad to honor projects that display excellent work about the environment.  The Exceptional Genius Olympiad Award grants the student participation in the GENIUS Olympiad to be held on the RIT campus in Rochester NY June 9-13, 2025. The Dr. Richard S. Stark Memorial Scholarship ($500 for each of the winners) will pay for the student’s application and participation fee. Winners of the Exceptional Genius Award are:

Briza Diaz CuevasHow does Martian soil porosity and permeability compare to other common soilsSunnyside High SchoolExceptional Genius Award
Lynnet Ramos-AlcalaCan an oil-based ferrofluid be utilized to extract microplastics from aggregates effectively?Sunnyside High SchoolExceptional Genius Award
Aarav ShrivastavaApplying Deep Learning for Wildfire Identification: Economical and Accessible Solutions Leveraging Small DatasetsRichland High SchoolExceptional Genius Award (Alternate)

Washington State Science and Engineering Fair

All students who participate in the Mid-Columbia Science and Engineering Fair are eligible to compete in person at the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair (WSSEF) in Bremerton, WA.  The 2025 WSSEF will be March 28 (for grades 1-8) and March 29 (for grades 9-12). WSSEF provides one award for Outstanding Research Based Project Achievement.  The award recipient receives a complimentary registration fee and T-shirt. 

GlucoBone: An Early Detection Sensor System for Diabetes and Bone DisordersRichland High SchoolOutstanding research based project achievement award

Award of Distinction for THOROUGHNESS

Most ideas can be applied, presented and interpreted in a thousand different ways.  A scientist must examine a particular idea from many sides to gain a full understanding of it.  A thorough investigation of how different variables come together and interact is sometimes one of the great educators about a particular scientific idea.  For exhaustively applying their knowledge of interactions and ideas, the following students are recognized for excellence in THOROUGHNESS:

Tamara Cabrera Nava, Yasmin Ceja Fajardo, Chloe Custodio, Norah Lewis, Zaid Munir, Liliana Munoz, Summer Tate, Bethany Thornton

Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge Nominees

Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (JIC) is the nation’s premier STEM research competition for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.  The top 10% of 6th-8th grade students at our fair are now nominated to participate in the Thermo Fisher JIC.  These nominees are eligible to register to complete nationally for valuable prizes and awards, including a trip to Washington DC for students chosen as national finalists.  Nominees should see their award packet for registration deadlines.  All nominees who complete the 2025 online application will receive a t-shirt and other prizes. This year’s MCSF nominees are:

Ridhi Erla, Preston Irvine, Anvi Kulkarni, George Nassaneh, Sophia Samaan, Samual Wang

Ridhi ErlaGreen Concrete: Making Concrete More Sustainable with Biorenewable MaterialsLeona Libby Middle School
Preston Irvinemost efficient cleaning sprayLiberty Bell Jr-Sr High
Anvi KulkarniDo Car Care Chemicals Contaminate Groundwater?Enterprise Middle School
George NassanehPlaying With FireChrist the King School
Sophia SamaanWind Turbine Efficiency: How Does Shape and Angle of Wings Yield Maximum Power in Producing Green Hydrogen?Christ the King School
Samuel WangSonic Fire Suppression: Multimodal Acoustic Frequency Modulation and Fire Dynamics AnalysisEnterprise Middle School