2024 Genius Olympiad

GENIUS (Global Environmental Issues and Us) Olympiad was held at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York  June 11-14, 2024.  The GENIUS Olympiad promotes a global understanding  of environmental issues through science, arts, creative writing, engineering, design and business development.   It is an international competition.  367 science projects out of 1014 submissions were accepted.  Students from 65 countries and 33 states submitted projects.  

Claire Sheehan (from Sunnyside High School) and Prayrona Chowdhury (from Hanford High School) won the award to compete at the 2024 GENIUS Olympiad from the Mid-Columbia Regional Science and Engineering Fair. The Mid-Columbia Regional Science and Engineering Fair was also represented by Rohan Nune (who be a student at Hanford High School this fall). Rohan applied the camp scholarship funds he was awarded by MCSF to attend the GENIUS Olympiad. He was planning to attend as an Observer, but the contest organizers accepted his project to compete!

All three students won awards for their projects at the GENIUS Olympiad! Congratulations to Rohan for winning a bronze medal, to Claire for winning a Silver medal and to Prayrona for winning a Gold medal!

Prayrona Chowdhury’s project, “AquaScope: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Multimodal AI in Diagnosing Water Quality Based on Environmental Context, Sensor Data and Visual Assessments” won a gold medal at the GENIUS Olympiad.

Claire Sheehan’s project, ” Which form of biodegradable hydrogel will help conserve irrigation water in the farming industry?” won a silver medal at the GENIUS Olympiad.

Rohan Nune’s project, “Powering the Future: Iron-Based Batteries for Sustainable Energy Storage” won a bronze medal at the GENIUS Olympiad.

Learn more about the GENIUS Olympiad at: https://geniusolympiad.org.

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