Regeneron ISEF 2024

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Mid-Columbia Science and Engineering Fair was able to send three students (Advaitha Motkuri, Isabella Pinto, and Matthew Yao) to present their projects at the 2024 Regeneron ISEF, as well as a student observer (Prayrona Choudhury). The 2024 ISEF was held in Los Angeles, CA. Learn more about Advaitha, Isabella, and Matthew’s projects below:

A Eye Intelligence: The Future of Disease Detection Through the Eyes

Advaitha Motkuri, Richland High School, Richland , grade 11

How Magnetically suspended tires Utilizing High Temperature Superconductivity and Electromagnetism Creates the Most Eco-Friendly Vehicle

Isabella Pinto, Hanford High School, Richland, grade 11

Isabella won the Office of Naval Research award of $15,000 for her project!  

Tactron: A Low-Cost Tactile Graphics Display

Matthew (Jerry) Yao, Walla Walla High School, Walla Walla, grade 11

Matthew won a 4th Grand Award of $500 for his project!

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